Home Vancouver Car Shows in 2025 Cruise the Shore for Charity Car Show on Vancouver’s North Shore 2025

Cruise the Shore for Charity Car Show on Vancouver’s North Shore 2025

Cruise the Shore Car at Park Royal

Cruise the Shore is a event that raises money for a different charitable organization each year. It’s a Metro Vancouver car show with food, entertainment and more.


The North Shore’s Cruise the Shore Car Show Fundraiser

Cruise the Shore celebrates its seventh year in 2025. It’s both a fun community event and also one that raises a lot of money for good causes. The event takes place over two days and includes a parade of vintage cars, a public BBQ, music, a 50/50 raffle draw and more.

In 2025 Cruise to the Shore takes place on Saturday, August 23rd, and Sunday, August 24th. The event this year is raising money for the North Shore Crisis Services Society, an organization that helps shelter and support women and children who are leaving situations of domestic violence. The 2024 edition of Cruise to the Shore raised over $80,000!


Where and When is the Car Show

Cruise to the Shore 2025 takes place on the weekend of August 23rd and 24th. The car cruise on the Saturday runs through a number of neighbourhoods in the North Shore.

The main event on Sunday is typically held at the Village at Park Royal Shopping Centre from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. The mall’s stores offer special deals during the event. 2025 details are to be confirmed as of January but this year’s event should be the same.


Cruise the Shore Car Show


What to Expect

The two days of events for Cruise to the Shore are fairly different but have some similarities. Both of them have a big spotlight on vintage cars that members of the community can register for display. There’s also food to be had on both days and an emphasis on getting as many people together as possible.

The Saturday begins with an early morning breakfast (in 2024 it was at Tomahawk Restaurant at 1550 Philip Avenue in North Vancouver, the same place as the year before). Then, there’s the car cruise where nearly 150 cars drive around the North Shore in a procession. Some of the cars can be up to 90 years old or even older! The afternoon ends off with a BBQ that’s open to everyone.

On Sunday all the cars are parked at Park Royal and on display for attendees. The fundraising part of the event is mainly done through a 50/50 draw that begins selling tickets well in advance of the event’s big weekend. There’s also a silent auction with various items to bid on.

Cruise to the Shore raises a lot of money for charity each year and the organization that receives the money changes each time. 2025’s beneficiary is the North Shore Crisis Services Society.


Antique Car at Park Royal


Other Information

For more information about the event, visit the Cruise the Shore website.

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