Home Special Events Abbotsford Airshow Stunt Plane Video

Abbotsford Airshow Stunt Plane Video

Abbotsford Stunt Plane Flight

For a look at what it’s like to be in a stunt plane at the Abbotsford Airshow, check out this video of an acrobatic flight in a 1950’s military aircraft.


Flying in an Airshow Stunt Plane

Ever wondered what it would be like to be in one of the stunt planes performing at the Abbotsford International Airshow? We got that opportunity the other day, thanks to Geoff Latter Airshows.

Geoff took me up for a birds-eye preview of his performance a couple of days prior to the 2017 Abbotsford Airshow. Wow, what an experience it was!

Watch the video and enjoy the view!


Stunt Plane Video



About the Stunt Plane Trip

On Wednesday, August 9, 2017, I was invited by the Abbotsford International Airshow to join pilot Geoff Latter on a flight a couple of days prior to his main show. It was a blast!

The plane we flew in was a 1958 Chinese Nanchang CJ-6A and the experience was unbelievable!

As you can see from the video, I was in the two-seater aircraft for a rollover and a full loop. Wow, what a thrill that was! I also got to experience the amazing views, and what 4Gs of gravity feels like.

Also as you can see in the video, when we started the loop and hit the 4Gs my camera became so incredibly heavy I couldn’t hold it up.

Thanks Geoff Latter for the amazing flight and once-in-a-lifetime experience!


Nanchang CJ-6A with Geoff Latter Airshows
Geoff Latter and the Nanchang CJ-6A


Other Information

For more information about Geoff Latter, check out his website at geofflatterairshows.com.

To learn more about the airshow, click Abbotsford International Airshow.

For information about Abbotsford and the surrounding area, visit our Fraser Valley page.

For videos of other major festivals and events in the Lower Mainland, click Vancouver Videos.



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