Home Vancouver Events Calendar Festivals and Events in Vancouver in 2025 Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History

Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History

Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History

The Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History involves walks in Metro Vancouver. It raises money to help fight CF which is a life-threatening disease.

The walk is one of a couple of fundraising events benefiting Cystic Fibrosis Canada in the Lower Mainland. Another one is GearUp4CF which is a bike ride in June. Funds raised at both events help the charitable organization in its search for a cure for cystic fibrosis (CF).

The Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History helps Canadians with the CF disease. The event was a virtual or in-person walk in both Burnaby and Pitt Meadows in 2024. The walk happened on May 26th this year. It happens again on Sunday, May 25th, 2025.


For full details about the event, visit the Cystic Fibrosis Walk website.


Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History


Vancouver Fundraising Walks for Cystic Fibrosis

The Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History is an annual event for a great cause. The walk celebrates and supports Canadians living with cystic fibrosis. The event is very accessible and easy to join. It’s a fundraiser that helps fund important research and care for people with the disease.

The 20th annual Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History took place in 2024 on Sunday, May 26th. That’s the weekend after Victoria Day. Continue reading for more information about this year’s event.


Registration Details

There were two ways to participate in the 2024 walk. People were able to join a local in-person walk or walk in a “virtual” format.

The in-person walks happened at set times at various locations. Folks could register as individuals or as a team. If you registered as a team, you needed at least four other people to join you. You also needed to fundraise at least $1,500.

Folks could also participate in a virtual format on the day of the event if they weren’t able to make it to any of the locations or if they preferred walking on their own time. The goal in all cases was to raise money in support of the cystic fibrosis community.


To register, donate and for full details about the event, visit the Cystic Fibrosis Walk website.


Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History


In-Person Walks

There were four different in-person walks in British Columbia in 2024. The two in the Metro Vancouver region took place in Burnaby and Pitt Meadows on May 26th. There were also walks in Campbell River and Victoria.


Vancouver Walk

Despite its name, the Vancouver Walk didn’t take place in the City of Vancouver. Instead, it was held at Burnaby Lake Park, at Field #8, located at 3520 Sperling Avenue in Burnaby. This in-person event opened at 9:30 am and the walk began at 10:30 am. There was a barbeque celebration after the walk.

To learn more about the event in Burnaby, click Vancouver Walk.


Pitt Meadows Walk

The walk in Pitt Meadows took place at the Pitt River Regional Greenway at 11208 Harris Road. Registration was at 10:00 am and the walk began at 10:30 am.

For the latest details, click Pitt Meadows Walk.


GearUp4CF Pedal for a Cure Event



Another event related to the Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History is the GearUp4CF Bike Ride. It too is a fundraising event benefiting Cystic Fibrosis Canada and the search for a cure for CF. Whereas the one event is a walk, the other involves a non-competitive cycling ride. GearUp4CF took place on June 15th, 2024, which was the Saturday of the Father’s Day Weekend. For full details and to register for the event next year, visit gearup4cf.com.


Rotary Ride for Rescue in 2024


Event Video

For an idea of what to expect at the next Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History, check out the video below. It features footage from the 2024 event at Burnaby Lake Park.



About Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a rare and life-threatening disease. It’s a genetic disorder that produces a thick mucus in the body and causes serious problems. Cystic fibrosis can affect several organs including the lungs, kidneys and pancreas. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for the disease. However, treatments are available that prolong and improve the lives of patients.

Funds raised at the Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History go towards research, access to drugs and overall improvements of cystic fibrosis health care. The non-profit organization behind the event is Cystic Fibrosis Canada.

Almost as many as three in every 10,000 children born in Canada have cystic fibrosis. Approximately 4% of Canadians have the gene that leads to cystic fibrosis. It’s a recessive gene, which means both parents need to have the same defective CF gene for their child to potentially develop the disease. If both parents are a carrier of the gene, the child has a 25% chance of developing CF and a 50% chance of becoming a carrier themselves.


Walk to Make CF History


Other Information

For more information about the walk in general, visit the Cystic Fibrosis Walk website. To learn more about the two in-person walks in the Lower Mainland, click Vancouver Walk or Pitt Meadows Walk.

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