Robbie Burns Day celebrates the national poet of Scotland on January 25th. It’s commemorated in Vancouver with Scottish music, food and festivities.
There are a few events that happen in the Lower Mainland in 2025 to celebrate Robbie Burns Day. See below for details. (Note: Sometimes events take place a week or more before January 25th, and sometimes they take place a few days or weeks after.)
Robbie Burns Day in 2025
Robbie Burns Day (or Rabbie Burns Day) is named after a Scottish poet who was born on January 25th in 1759. Burns Suppers are normally held on or near the date of his birthday to celebrate his life and poetry. It’s not a national holiday in Scotland (in the sense that people don’t get a paid day off work). It’s an important occasion in Scotland, however. People also celebrate the day in other places around the world.
Robbie Burns Day Celebrations in the Lower Mainland
The following events happen in 2025 in Vancouver, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Fort Langley.
Robbie Burns Supper
The Vancouver Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society hosts a Burns Supper on Saturday, January 25th, in 2025. It takes place from 5:00 to 11:00 pm at the Scottish Cultural Centre at 8886 Hudson Street in Vancouver.
Tickets cost $100 (or $90 for members of the BC Highland Dance Association, BC Pipers Association, Gaelic Society of Vancouver, Sons of Scotland, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, and St Andrew’s & Caledonian Society of Vancouver).
The event typically features traditional Scottish dancing, food and live music. There are free dance classes available on January 8th, 15th and 22nd for those who want to brush up on their moves before the big day.
For details about this event, visit the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society‘s website.
Robbie Burns with Blackthorn
Place des Arts in Coquitlam celebrates Robbie Burns Day from 7:30 pm until 9:30 pm on Saturday, January 18th in 2025. Performing at the event are the Celtic band Blackthorn and a special guest piper. Tickets cost $26 for adults and $21 for students and seniors.
The venue’s address is 1120 Brunette Avenue.
To register for the event, visit the Place des Arts website.
Robbie Burns Day at the Fort Pub & Grill
Another Robbie Burns Day celebration in 2025 takes place at the Fort Pub & Grill. The venue is located at 9273 Glover Road in Fort Langley.
Doors open at 7:00 pm and the event finishes at about 11:30 pm. The event includes a concert with Bruce Coughlan at 9:00 pm as well as whiskey flights and traditional dancing. Tickets for the concert cost $15 each.
To learn more about the event click Robbie Burns Day at the Fort Pub & Grill.
Robbie Burns Night at the Port Coquitlam Legion
Robbie Burns Night takes place at the Port Coquitlam Legion in 2025. The event runs from 6:30 pm until 9:30 pm. Last year’s event included bagpiping, Highland dancing, a raffle and haggis. 2025 activities may or may not be similar.
See the Port Coquitlam Legion Calendar for more details if they become available.
Other Information
Other Celtic-themed events that take place in the Lower Mainland include the following:
- CelticFest Vancouver – a festival that takes place around St. Patrick’s Day.
- BC Highland Games & Scottish Festival – a cultural and sporting event in Coquitlam in June.
Other articles that might be of interest include the following:
- Vancouver’s January Calendar
- Lower Mainland Festivals & Events
- Best Places for History & Culture
- Vancouver Shows & Entertainment