Home June Events Vancouver’s Best Outdoor Swimming Pools

Vancouver’s Best Outdoor Swimming Pools

Vancouver Swimming Pools

Metro Vancouver has a number of great outdoor swimming pools including ones at Kitsilano, Second Beach, New Brighton and other parks in the Lower Mainland.

Outdoor swimming pools provide fun ways to cool down. Some of the best in the region offer ocean views, slides and other amenities for families to enjoy.

Note: The outdoor pool at Kitsilano Beach is tentatively scheduled to reopen on August 7th. This summer, the venue’s concession area is open from Wednesdays to Sundays as well. There’s a new pop-patio with live music. Plus, alcoholic beverages are available on Fridays and weekends. For more details, see the City of Vancouver‘s website.


Lower Mainland Outdoor Swimming Pools

Metro Vancouver is home to over two dozen outdoor pools, many of which offer lessons and activities to participate in throughout the summer. The pools at New Brighton Park, Kitsilano and Second Beach boast stunning ocean and other waterfront views, whereas many others are located in more urban areas. Each outdoor pool has its own perks that appeal to swimmers in different ways.


Kits Beach Pool
Swimming Pool at Kitsilano Beach


Best Public Outdoor Pools

In our opinion, some of the best outdoor pools in the Lower Mainland are the following:


City of Vancouver Outdoor Pools

  • Kitsilano Pool – this heated saltwater pool in Kitsilano is close to the beach and features a couple of slides. (Note: This pool has been needing repairs and has been closed for a while. If all goes well, it’s scheduled to reopen on August 7th in 2024.)
  • New Brighton Pool – a heated pool with beautiful harbour views and a gradual entry for children. The pool opens for the season on May 18th in 2024.
  • Second Beach Pool – with views of English Bay, this heated pool is near the seawall concession at Second Beach in Stanley Park. The opening date for the 2024 season is May 18th.

Other Lower Mainland Pools


Pool at New Brighton Park
Swimming Pool at New Brighton Park


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Bhavin Solanki