Home The City of Vancouver Vancouver’s West End Lumiere Lights in Vancouver’s West End

Lumiere Lights in Vancouver’s West End

Lumiere in Vancouver's West End

Lumiere is an arts and lights event featuring installations that illuminate Vancouver’s West End in winter. It’s outdoors, free and pretty to see.

In 2024 the event celebrates its 11th year and runs from November 7th until the 10th.

It’s not a Christmas event per se, although it does usually take place just prior to the start of the holiday season. Lumiere does, however, involve Christmas-y lights. There are also performances to enjoy.

Other free places to check out Christmas-y light displays unrelated to Lumiere include Granville Island, West Vancouver’s Dundarave Beach, Burnaby Village and the waterfront at Harrison Hot Springs.


Lumiere Bear and Bird Light Displays
Light Sculptures at English Bay in 2020


Vancouver’s Lumiere Lights and Art

Lumiere is an annual event that showcases illuminated art installations within the City of Vancouver. Each year, large works of art are outdoors around the West End for folks to admire and photograph. The event always offers pretty sights to see during dark winter days, and it’s free to check out.

In 2024 there are displays to see at the following locations:

  • Jim Deva Plaza at 1200 Bute Street
  • West End Community Centre at 870 Denman Street
  • Robson and Thurlow
  • šxwƛə̓ nəqXwtl’e7énḵ Square (outside the Vancouver Art Gallery)
  • Davie Plaza at 1800 Davie Street
  • Lot 19 at 855 West Hastings Street
  • Helmcken Plaza at 338 Helmcken Street
  • Bill Curtis Square at 1198 Mainland Street in Yaletown
  • Maple Tree Square at #8 Water Street in Gastown
  • Harbour Green Park at 1199 West Cordova Street


Fire Spinner at West End Lumiere Festival


Lumiere Festival Entertainment

There are over 75 artists who participate in the Lumiere Festival. They include a series of music performances at the following locations in 2024.

  • šxwƛə̓ nəqXwtl’e7énḵ Square – the Vancouver Art Gallery is home to a performance by Ruby Singh, a sound artist and composer who puts together an immersive experience. (November 9th, 7:15 to 8:15 pm.)
  • Jim Deva Plaza – there are nightly sets from DJ Schnüdlbug, who is joined by artist John Mutter to provide interactive visual elements. (Nightly, 5:30 pm, 7:00 pm and 8:30 pm.)
  • Helmcken Plaza – the plaza is home to PIN’D, an interactive board that responds to both touch and music. There is a rotating schedule of DJs spinning tunes each day of the festival. (Nightly, 4:30 to 9:30 pm.)
  • Lot 19 – similar to PIN’D, Lot 19 is home to The Portal, another highly visual, interactive artist wall that has artistic displays come to life. There are DJs throughout the night here as well. (Nightly, 4:30 to 9:30 pm.)


Lumiere Whale Light Display


Other Information

For more details about the art installations and events, visit the Lumiere Vancouver website.

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