Home Vancouver Events Calendar Festivals and Events in Vancouver Metro Vancouver New Year’s Day Polar Bear Swims Port Moody Penguin Plunge New Year’s Swim at Rocky Point Park

Port Moody Penguin Plunge New Year’s Swim at Rocky Point Park

Penguin Plunge Penguin Mascot

The Port Moody Penguin Plunge at Rocky Point Park is one of Vancouver’s various polar bear swims that take place on January 1st to celebrate the New Year.

Other similar Lower Mainland events happen at English Bay, North Vancouver’s Deep Cove and Delta’s Boundary Bay. There is also a New Year’s Day swim in Fort Langley most years, and the one in White Rock has been running for the past 50 years. One or two also happen in the Squamish region.

For details about all of these crazy New Year’s Day events click Metro Vancouver Polar Bear Swims. For information about the icy dip in Port Moody, continue reading.


Guys in Costume at Port Moody Swim
Penguin Plunge Swimmers in Costume


Port Moody Penguin Plunge

The Port Moody Penguin Plunge happens at Rocky Point Park in the boat launch area by the pier at 2800 Esplanade Avenue.

In 2025 the Port Moody Penguin Plunge takes place on Wednesday, January 1st. Registration for the event starts at 11:30 am and the swim is at 1:00 pm.

The Penguin Plunge is a fundraiser for the Pleasantside Community Association which is a non-profit group that does volunteer work, advocates for the neighbourhood and supports community programs.

Participants in the Port Moody Penguin Plunge are asked to pay $5 per swimmer (or $10 for a family of four). Proceeds from the event benefit the community. Organizers only accept cash.


Crowds of Penguin Plunge Participants
New Year’s Swimmers at Rocky Point Park


What to Expect

At the Port Moody Penguin Plunge you can expect a couple of hundred hardy yet crazy swimming participants as well as 1,000 or more onlookers and supporters most years.

People start to arrive on New Year’s Day as early as 11:30 am, which is when registration opens for the event. Many participants get dressed up. Costumes range from simple Santa hats to wigs, onesie pyjamas to full-body superhero suits. Many folks wear swimsuits under their clothes until just before swim time at 1:00 pm, although many also just swim in their clothes and costumes.

Swimmers usually gather in the boat launch area at the edge of Burrard Inlet. Non-swimming attendees stand behind them or line the pier and get ready to watch, take photos and cheer.

During the event there are snacks and hot drinks available for purchase on-site. There is also usually music and a bonfire. Hopefully this is the case again in 2025.

At 12:59 pm the countdown begins. 10, 9, 8, … 2, 1, 0 and then, at precisely 1:00 pm, the crowd dashes for the water and the air fills with screams, laughter, splashing and the clicks of cameras. Most people jump in and then straight back out again. A small number stay in the water for a while and splash around.

Within about 10 minutes of the start of the swim pretty much everyone is back on dry land. All are smiling, shivering and trying desperately to warm back up.


Port Moody Boathouse on New Year's Day
Rocky Point Boat Launch on New Year’s Day


About the Penguin Plunge

The Port Moody Penguin Plunge is an annual tradition that has been taking place for over 12 years. It happens every year, except for in 2016 when it had to be cancelled at the last minute after a boat ran aground right at the boat launch and leaked fuel into the water. The event didn’t take place in 2021 or 2022 either because of the coronavirus pandemic.

In years when the event does happen, local firefighters and other volunteers help set up and keep people safe (which some years can mean shoveling snow and putting salt on icy patches of ground before the crowds arrive).

As many as 200 people actually go in the water each year, and up to 1,000 or even 2,000 people show up to watch.

The Port Moody Penguin Plunge is a fun community event that’s worth checking out, either for the swim or just to watch.


Penguin Plunge Onlookers at Rocky Point Park
People watching at the Penguin Plunge


Tips & Advice

Below are some tips and suggestions to help you make the most of your Penguin Plunge experience.

TIP #1: For non-swimming onlookers, the best place to watch is along the pier. You have to arrive early, though, to get a good spot.

TIP #2: Arrive early – even before the start of registration at 11:30 am – if you want to find parking close to the venue (and so not have to walk a long ways when you’re freezing after your swim).

TIP #3: The boat launch is concrete and not the best surface for running on in bare feet. Consequently, most people wear shoes or some kind of footwear to protect their feet when running into the water.

TIP #4: Don’t forget your camera (or to make sure your friends and family take theirs and with sufficiently-charged batteries).

TIP #5: If you are a swimmer and have friends or family on dry land holding your towel and clothes, plan in advance where you’ll meet them as soon as you get out. With up to 200 swimmers and hundreds of friends and family supporters, the last thing you want when you’re freezing cold is to have to spend five to 10 minutes looking for your towel.

TIP #6: Half a dozen penguin plunges and polar bear swims take place across the Lower Mainland each year. To find one close to your part of town click Metro Vancouver Polar Bear Swims.


2023 White Rock Polar Bear Plunge


Other Information

See the City of Port Moody website for more information about the event.

To learn more about the area, see our articles about Port Moody and Rocky Point Park.

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