Home Metro Vancouver Municipalities and Parts of Town Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows on Remembrance Day 2024

Pitt Meadows on Remembrance Day 2024

Pitt Meadows on Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day on November 11th in Pitt Meadows includes a procession along Harris Road, a service at Spirit Square and a reception in the community centre.


Remembrance Day in Pitt Meadows

Pitt Meadows hosts a Remembrance Day ceremony each year at Pitt Meadows Spirit Square (a.k.a. šxʷhék̓ ʷnəs) at 12007 Harris Road. It’s normally a large event with up to around 2,000 people in attendance.

The event runs from around 8:00 am to 12:00 pm on November 11th in 2024. The Remembrance Day ceremony starts at 10:30 am when folk gather for the procession which begins at 10:45. This is usually followed by the singing of “Oh Canada” and the Roll Call.

A local minister typically reads a prayer just before 11:00 am which is followed by the playing of the Last Post. At 11:00 am the traditional two minutes of silence is observed.

Following the two minutes of silence there are usually performances by the Piper, the Bugler and the Act of Remembrance, as well as an additional prayer and the Placing of the Wreaths.

In 2024 the ceremony happens as an in-person event. The procession begins at 10:45 am and concludes at the cenotaph.


Cenotaph at Spirit Square in Pitt Meadows
Spirit Square after the ceremonies


Other Information

For more information about the Remembrance Day proceedings, visit the City of Pitt Meadows‘ website.

A similar event takes place in nearby Maple Ridge on the same day at the Memorial Peach Park.

For details about other November 11th ceremonies see our article about Lower Mainland Remembrance Day Events.

To learn more about the area click Pitt Meadows & Maple Ridge.

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