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Awaken Canada FlyOver Multidimensional Film About Canada

Awaken Canada at FlyOver Canada

Awaken Canada is a new feature film at Vancouver’s popular FlyOver Canada attraction. It’s a multi-dimensional experience that flies you across the country.

If you’ve already seen FlyOver’s main film in the past, Awaken Canada is a brand new version available as of the summer of 2024! It’s definitely worth checking out.


For tickets and more details, visit FlyOverCanada.com.


FlyOver at Canada Place


Awaken Canada at FlyOver Canada

FlyOver Canada is an extraordinary theatre located at 999 Canada Place in Vancouver. It offers immersive experiences that make guests feel like they’re soaring through the sky. The theatre’s original FlyOver Canada film debuted in 2013 with scenes of various parts of the country. Since then, there have been a number of other films at the theatre showcasing other countries as well.

Awaken Canada is the latest film in the series, and it’s replaced the theatre’s original film about Canada. The new film includes brand new footage of the country that takes the experience to another level. The attraction also upgraded some of its technology in early 2024. The changes include clearer and brighter projections, and Awaken Canada takes full advantage.

Awaken Canada premiered on June 28th in 2024, so just in time for the Canada Day long weekend. It’s now the signature film at the attraction for the foreseeable future.


Ticket Prices

Admission to Awaken Canada varies depending on your age and how far in advance you buy your tickets. In general, the earlier you purchase your tickets, the more money you’ll save.

As of November 2024, tickets for Awaken Canada cost $29 when bought a couple weeks in advance. The longer you wait, admission costs can increase up to $37 each for adults online. Tickets at the gate usually cost a couple dollars more too. In all cases, admission for children under the age of 14 costs $10 less.

Note: For safety reasons, all ticket holders (including children) must be at least 40 inches tall. There are no exceptions.


For full details and to book your tickets, click FlyOverCanada.com.


What to Expect

FlyOver Canada is a unique theatre that simulates flight. Before each screening, there’s a pre-show film to enjoy in a room that’s separate from the main theatre.

Most of FlyOver’s pre-shows are made up of filmed footage from similar locations to what’s in the feature film, but Awaken Canada is different. Its pre-show is an entirely animated production that focuses on what “home” might mean to different people all across the country. It’s an interesting twist on what you get from other FlyOver productions.

After the pre-show, you and all the other guests walk through a hallway until you’re just outside the main theatre. There, you watch a brief safety walkthrough that shows you how to buckle up your seatbelt and reminds you to store any belongings under your seat.


The Flying Experience

Once everyone is sat down and buckled up in their seats, FlyOver is ready to begin. The lights turn off, the floor slides away, and everyone’s feet dangle in the air. The main Awaken Canada film then takes over.

You’ll notice the screen is round and wraps underneath you. To add to the immersive experience, there’s wind and mist that matches the scenes on screen. The seats also tilt in different directions to help give you the feeling that you’re actually flying forward.

Awaken Canada features amazing footage from all across the country. There are shots of serene landscapes and lively cities. The film begins and ends at Mount Logan in the Yukon, and hits spots all across the country in between. You’ll see clips of the CN Tower, Old Quebec, Baffin Island, the Athabasca Sand Dunes, rolling fields in the prairies, and of course, downtown Vancouver!

There’s lots of scenes from Western Canada in the film, particularly Alberta and Saskatchewan as well as the territories. It ends with a great shot of the northern lights over Mount Logan.


Other Information

For tickets and more information about the film, visit FlyOverCanada.com.

To learn more about the attraction in general, see our article about FlyOver Canada. For details about special films showing at different times of the year, click Soar Over Taiwan, Windborne: Call of the Canadian Rockies, Believe Chicago, Hawaii From Above, Legendary Iceland: Landscapes & Lore, HowlOver Canada and Soar With Santa.

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