Home Metro Vancouver Municipalities and Parts of Town The Town of Fort Langley Fort to Fort Trail in Fort Langley

Fort to Fort Trail in Fort Langley

Fort to Fort Trail in Fort Langley

Vancouver’s Fort to Fort Trail is a path that connects the village of Fort Langley to the original Fort Langley site in Derby Reach Regional Park.


Langley’s Fort to Fort Trail

The Fort to Fort Trail is a trail in northern Langley. It runs along the bank of the Fraser River between Derby Reach Regional Park and the town of Fort Langley.

The trail begins near the Fort Langley National Historic Site. From there, it winds through the town of Fort Langley before connecting with Derby Reach Regional Park. The site of the original fort is located within the park (although there isn’t a lot that remains to be seen).

The trail takes about 2.5 hours to walk and is eight kilometres roundtrip. Since the trail is mostly flat it is very easy to go along. The trail is also paved in some parts and packed gravel in others. As a result, it is stroller and wheelchair-friendly. It’s also a nice trail for leisurely bike rides.

The Fort to Fort Trail is also a part of the much longer Trans-Canada Trail.

Public washrooms are located about halfway down the trail, just before Derby Reach Regional Park.


Fort Langley

Rowing in Fort Langley
Fraser River in Fort Langley


Points of Interest

Interesting places along the Fort to Fort Trail include Derby Reach Regional Park and the Salmon River Pump Station. There is also the Fraser River Pier Viewpoint which gives a great view of Brae Island Regional Park on the other side of the water.

There are other sites on or close to the trail but located within the town of Fort Langley (so not involving too much walking to get to). These include Marina Park, Riverside Plaza, the Langley Rowing and Paddling Centre, Fort Langley Heritage Train Station, and the BC Farm Machinery & Agricultural Museum.

TIP: There’s also the Fort Langley Historic Site. It’s a wonderful place to explore. There are interesting artifacts, demonstrations and old structures to admire. The attraction also hosts events throughout the year, including National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations in June and Brigade Days in August. For more details about the fort, see the Parks Canada website.

For a map of the Fort to Fort Trail marked with other sites and attractions, click Fort to Fort Trail Map.


Fort Langley Fraser River
Rowing Centre on the Fraser River


Other Information

For more information about the area, check out the Town of Fort Langley, the Fort Langley Historic Site, Langley and the Fraser Valley.

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