Home Vancouver Car Shows in 2025 Vancouver ABFM All-Brit Harrison RUN

Vancouver ABFM All-Brit Harrison RUN

Classic Cars at ABFM Run

Affiliated with the All British Field Meet, the Vancouver ABFM All-Brit RUN features about 100 classic cars driving from Langley to Harrison Hot Springs.

The All British Field Meet (ABFM) is a car show with hundreds of vintage and collectible British Cars at Vancouver’s VanDusen Botanical Garden. The car show takes place on the Saturday of the Victoria Day Long Weekend, which in 2025 is on May 17th. The following day, so on May 18th, 2025, the Vancouver ABFM All-Brit RUN takes place.

To learn about the All British Field Meet, see our article about the British Car Show at VanDusen Gardens. For information about the Vancouver ABFM All-Brit RUN, continue reading. Or, to learn about both events and the organization behind them, visit the WesternDriver.com website.


2025 All British Field Meet


Vancouver All British Field Meet All-Brit RUN

Last year the Vancouver ABFM All-Brit RUN happened on May 19th. The day before, on the Saturday, the All British Field Meet took place at VanDusen Botanical Garden. The event on May 18th featured hundreds of classic cars and thousands of car enthusiasts. It’s typically a ticketed event for both car owners and the general public, and it’s amazing! The Vancouver ABFM All-Brit RUN on the Sunday, meanwhile, is a ticketed event for owners of classic British cars. The first part of it, however, is free for the public.

In 2025 the All British Field Meet happens on Saturday, May 17th. The All-Brit Run, meanwhile, takes place on Sunday, May 18th.

On the Sunday of the May Long Weekend, participating vehicles and their owners usually gather in the parking lot of KMS Tools in Langley. The store is located at 19600 Langley Bypass, which is across the street from Willowbrook Mall. Cars are there from around 9:30 am until about 10:00 am. That’s a great time for the general public to see the vehicles. There is no cost for that. Starting at around 10:00 am, the cars head out on a leisurely drive to Harrison Hot Springs in the Fraser Valley. (Note: Exact times and other details about the All-Brit Run in 2025 are to be confirmed.)


ABFM All Brit Run at KMS Tools
KMS Tools in Langley


About the ABFM All-Brit RUN

The Vancouver ABFM All-Brit RUN involves three things. The first is the gathering of vehicles on the Sunday morning at the start, at KMS Tools in Langley. The second is the drive to Harrison Hot Springs. That’s lots of fun for the drivers, and fun to see from the road if you happen to be in the right place as they drive by. The third part of the event is the party for the drivers at the end of their trip.

The cars head to Harrison Hot Springs via a couple of different routes beginning at 10:00 am. The first route involves a leisurely 115 km drive via Highway #7. On their way to Harrison Hot Springs, the cars pass through Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Mission, Agassiz and Harrison Mills.

The second route is Adventure Roads Unknown. With this option, the convoy takes a more adventurous route along some of the back roads to Harrison. Participants joining this group get a map to help them find their way in case they get lost or want to head out on their own.


Other Information

To register for the event that goes from Langley to Harrison, click ABFM Harrison Run. (Registration was for 2024 but will likely be the same in 2025.) To learn more about the amazing car show at VanDusen Garden the day before, see our article about the All British Field Meet or visit the WesternDriver.com website.

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