Home Vancouver Events Calendar OCTOBER Events in Vancouver in 2024 Vancouver Halloween Events Vancouver’s FlyOver Canada Howl Over Canada Film at Halloween

Vancouver’s FlyOver Canada Howl Over Canada Film at Halloween

FlyOver Canada at Halloween

Howl Over Canada is a family-friendly, Halloween-themed multi-dimensional film at FlyOver Canada at Canada Place in downtown Vancouver in October.

The film screens from the first week in October until Halloween. Also showing during this time is the new film Awaken Canada. (TIP: During this time last year, on Mondays to Thursdays, a child had free admission when accompanied by a paying adult! To get this deal, however, you had to select the “Family Experience Package.” This deal may or may not be the case again in 2025.)

To book your tickets and for the attraction’s official website, visit flyovercanada.com.


This article includes the following information about Halloween at FlyOver Canada:

HowlOver Canada | Halloween Pre-Show | Heading to the Canada Film | Canada Film Experience | FlyOver Canada Admission | Tips & Advice | Other Information


FlyOver at Canada Place


Howl Over Canada Halloween Film at FlyOver Canada

FlyOver Canada is a year-round tourist attraction located at 201-999 Canada Place. It’s not far from the Pan Pacific Hotel and Vancouver Convention Centre.

The tourist attraction features a short film on a giant screen where participants buckle themselves into a row of seats that fly around the various scenes. The film features smells, light breezes and refreshing mists along with beautiful scenery.

In October each year FlyOver Canada adopts a Halloween theme and show its Howl Over Canada film which features the witch Biker Mama and her loyal cat Tiger Moon. After flying across the country from coast to coast to coast, the film ends with an amazing music festival. Biker Mama has returned each year since.


See the FlyOver Canada website for tickets and details about what’s currently showing at the attraction.


Howl Over Canada

The Halloween film runs from early October until Halloween on October 31st. Howl Over Canada shows all day, every day with start times every 15 minutes.

FlyOver Canada at Halloween is a fantastic event that’s suitable for people of all ages. There are scary scenes in the pre-show event, and the theatre is decorated with Halloween characters. Nothing is gory or jumps out at you, though, so it’s fun and entertaining even for timid people.

At FlyOver Canada participants enjoy a pre-show production before heading to the film about Canada where they get strapped in for the ride. In all, the experience lasts for around 25 minutes.


FlyOver Canada at Halloween


The Halloween Pre-Show

During the regular season the pre-show typically features a talk and scenes about Canada. In October, the initial theatre area is creatively decorated and the commentary has a Halloween theme.

For the first half of the FlyOver Canada at Halloween experience the initial room is dark. In the show over the past couple of years there have been pieces of art on all the walls. In one painting there were skeletons dancing and in another a witch MC appeared, welcomed guests and provided some comical explanation about the upcoming experience. At one point a statue also came alive and sang a song.

The whole experience leading up to the actual film about Canada is “Disneyland-ish,” “Harry Potter-like” and very well put together. Walt Disney and J.K. Rowling fans will especially love it.


To book your experience, click FlyOver Canada.


Heading to the Canada Film

After the initial welcome show, guests proceed to the main theatre’s waiting room. There they stand in line and watch a short Halloween-themed video about what to expect in the theatre-ride experience. This room is also usually decorated with Halloween scenes and creepy (but not overly-scary) characters.


The Canada Film Experience

The final stage of the FlyOver Canada experience is the theatre-flight simulation and the film about Canada.

Guests proceed into the main theatre. Regardless of which film they are about to watch, guests follow their FlyOver Canada hosts to rows of seats where they buckle up, store belongings under their chairs and get ready for an amazing multi-dimensional ride. There are three floors of rows of seats, but you can generally only see the row you are in.

The feature film during the FlyOver Canada at Halloween event is the regular FlyOver Canada movie where the audience flies in their seats over Canada. The trip goes from the Maritimes, over Toronto, across the Prairies, to Vancouver, over Canada Place and up to the Arctic.

In previous years, this part of the experience was identical to the regular film experience, except that Broomelda the Witch appeared on the screen flying on her broom from time to time. Since 2020, Biker Mama the witch and her cat are on screen. It’s a simple variation, but still a nice touch.

The Howl Over Canada film itself lasts for roughly eight minutes.


Halloween Activities for Kids


FlyOver Canada Admission

Admission prices for the multi-dimensional attraction as of early 2025 are below.

Note: What we list here is the cost when you buy tickets online. Purchasing them at the attraction costs a few dollars more.

  • Adults (ages 16 and above): $29 to $36
  • Children (up to age 15): $16 to $27

Participants can be of any age, but at least 40 inches (or 102 cms) tall. People in wheelchairs can also participate, but only if they are able to get out of their wheelchairs and into the ride’s seat-belted chair.


See the FlyOver Canada website for tickets and details about the attraction.


Flyover Canada at Halloween


Tips & Advice

The following are tips to help you make the most of your experience (and save money).

TIP #1: Buy your tickets online and you save some money.

TIP #2: The Vancouver attraction rates its Halloween “scariness factor” as suitable for the average person age 4 and older. The FlyOver Canada film itself isn’t at all scary (unless you don’t like heights or flying sensations).

TIP #3: Consider combining your visit to FlyOver Canada with a trip to other nearby places too. Historic Gastown is just a short walk away. Canada Place and the Vancouver Convention Centre are also nice places to walk around, as is nearby Coal Harbour.


Other Information

See the FlyOver Canada Website for more information about the popular Vancouver tourist attraction or to buy tickets. You can also read our article about FlyOver Canada.

Check out any of the following for ideas on other Halloween and October things to do:

Check out the following for a list of other top attractions in the Lower Mainland:

Other feature films at FlyOver Canada at others times of the year include the following: