Halloween at the Gulf of Georgia Cannery

Located in Richmond’s Steveston Village, the Gulf of Georgia Cannery has special Halloween-themed displays and activities in October.

The Haunted Sea at the Cannery is a good, family-friendly attraction. It’s a bit more low key than some Halloween “events,” but it’s both interesting and educational.

Awesome Halloween attractions in the Lower Mainland that are also suitable for younger children include Canyon Frights in North Vancouver and both Harvest Days at VanDusen Gardens and the HowlOver Canada film in Vancouver. In addition, there are various Pumpkin Patch farm venues in the Fraser Valley to visit, as well as lots of other fun places.

To learn about the Halloween activities at the Gulf of Georgia Cannery, continue reading. To learn about other family-friendly seasonal activities in the region, see our article about Halloween Activities for Children.


This article includes the following information about The Haunted Sea:

Admission and Location | About the Event | Other Information


Canyon Frights at Capilano Bridge


The Haunted Sea at the Cannery

The event runs from Saturday, September 28th, until Sunday, November 3rd in 2024. It features colourful creatures and displays, along with educational material about plastic waste in the ocean.


Admission and Location

The Gulf of Georgia Cannery is located at 12138 Fourth Avenue in Steveston Village in Richmond. This is right at the corner of 3rd Avenue and Moncton Street which is a 15-to 20-minute walk from the Britannia Shipyards.

Below are the admission prices for the 2024 Halloween event.

  • Adults (ages 18 or older): $13.25
  • Seniors (ages 65 or older): $11.25
  • Youth (ages 17 and younger): Free!

Members of the Gulf of Georgia Cannery Society also get in for free.


Halloween Activities for Kids


About the Event

The Gulf of Georgia Cannery is a National Historic Site. It’s a museum where guests can learn all about the history of local salmon-canning. There are educational displays highlighting the economic importance, manufacturing processes and other details about the cannery from past years.

For Halloween, the Cannery decorates its space with recyclable materials. The theme for the last few years has been “The Haunted Sea”. The venue is dark with black lights and a smoke machine. There aren’t any flashing lights or jump scares to worry about, so the event is great for families with young kids.


Other Information

Click Gulf of Georgia Cannery for more details.

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